Free Tweets for Cowbridge Retailers

Scott Manning Associates, sponsors of Cowbridge Fashion, are providing a limited number of free one-to-one classes to retailers in Cowbridge wishing to use twitter as part of their marketing mix. Details and contact details are provided below

With an increasing number of potential customers, of all ages, using twitter as a digital grapevine it has to be recognised as a marketing medium with considerable benefits to retailers. It requires no website, is as easy to use as sending emails or text messages and costs virtually nothing.

However, there is a reluctance by some retailers to adopt this medium through a lack of understanding of the process involved or because the mobile phone is not yet accepted as a promotional tool for the business. At the moment (March 2014) only 33% of retail shops in the town of Cowbridge have a twitter account to help communicate with potential and existing customers.

To help retailers understand the benefits of using twitter, how to set up an account and send their first promotional tweets out to customers, Scott Manning Associates are providing free one to one instruction classes to shop retailers located in Cowbridge. They will take place on their premises, last 60 to 90 minutes and will cover setting up an account, writing and sending tweets with photos to maximise interest and response. There is no obligation other than to have a mobile phone, iPad or PC with access to the internet.

These classes are limited to 8 and will be allocated on a first come basis. To book your class just telephone 01446 771220 or use the form below.

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